With cold and flu season, higher indoor air quality can protect you and your family. Along with reducing airborne illness, enhancing your IAQ can offer lots of other benefits like better air circulation and a better sense of comfort. Diedrick's Heating and Air Conditioning and our air quality specialists are happy to help you learn more about the specific strategies indoor air quality services have for preventing the spread of the cold or flu. With the right combination of services and equipment, you can address your specific IAQ concerns for years to come. 

Don't let cold and flu season get in the way of good health. Try this handful of tips for ensuring your indoor air is ready for even the most brutal winter weather. To schedule an appointment, call Diedrick's Heating and Air Conditioning at 920-833-7967 today.  

5 Tips for Protecting Your Indoor Air Quality During Cold and Flu Season 

1. Consider a UV Germicidal Lamp 

UV germicidal lamps target microorganisms that help spread illnesses like the flu. Bacteria and similar organic particles are deactivated in powerful ultraviolet light, keeping them from lowering your air quality. 

2. Adjust Your Humidity with a Humidifier/Dehumidifier  

Both excessive and insufficient humidity can le